Legal Entity
Back to HelpGo to the "Login / Register" section of the registration and select the "Legal Entity" status during registration. Follow the registration steps by filling in the contact information provided.
No, the legal entity e-mail must be unique. Registration with an individual profile using e-mail will not be possible, and a new e-mail is required.
An invoice with details will be available after ordering and payment.
The entire assortment of e-shop is available to legal entities.
All standard discounts that do not require a My Rimi card apply to legal entities.
Yes, legal entities can receive the goods for 60 days free of charge by purchasing a delivery subscription for a one-time fee of 5.99 EUR.
All coupons that do not require My Rimi cards are active for legal entities. The loyalty program (MansRimi card, MansRimi discounts, and MansRimi money, etc.) is not available to legal entities.
No, loyalty programs (MansRimi card, MansRimi discounts, and MansRimi money, etc.) are not available to legal entities.