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It means that the chosen product was not available when the items for your order were picked up and it was replaced by another, similar product. If it is cheaper, we will return the money, if it is more expensive — additional payment will not be required. If you do not want the goods to be replaced, please mark so in your profile.

Contact Rimi customer service and we will definitely help you. Any product can be returned within 14 days.

You may order alcoholic beverages at all times, but these products can only be delivered or handed out from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. If due to any reasons the Delivery time is either earlier or later than these hours and there are alcoholic beverages in the order, alcoholic beverages will remain with the courier and the Customer will be refunded for those products. A valid ID or passport will be required upon Delivery to ensure that the Customer is at least 18 years of age. 


Purchase of cigarettes is not allowed according to the local legislation. 

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