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Piena maisījums Aptamil 3 no 1 gada 800g

Piena maisījums Aptamil 3 no 1 gada vecuma 800g

49 €/pcs.

21,86 €/kg

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Product, recommendations and recipes

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  • Amount

    0.8 kg


  • VĀJPIENA pulveris, PIENA LAKTOZE, SŪKALU produkts (demineralizētas SŪKALAS, SŪKALU olbaltumvielu koncentrāts) (no PIENA), maltodekstrīns, galaktooligosaharīdi (no PIENA), palmu eļļa, saulespuķu eļļa, rapšu eļļa, di-kālija hidrogēnfosfāts, tri-kalcija fosfāts, fruktooligosaharīdi, ZIVJU eļļa, kalcija karbonāts, tri-magnija di-citrāts, tri-kālija citrāts, L-askorbīnskābe, nātrija hlorīds, PIENA aromatizētājs, emulgators (SOJAS lecitīns), kālija hlorīds, nātrija L-askorbāts, dzelzs sulfāts, cinka sulfāts, holekalciferols, DL-alfa-tokoferola acetāts, kalcija D-pantotenāts, ciānkobalamīns, pteroilmonoglutamīnskābe, nikotīnamīds, DL-alfa-tokoferols, retinilpalmitāts, riboflavīns, D-biotīns, piridoksīna hidrohlorīds, tiamīna hidrohlorīds, kālija jodīds, fitomenadions

Additional information

  • Min storage temp.: 5° C

  • Max storage temp.: 25° C

Nutrition Facts

  • Amount per 100g

Nutrition Amount per 100g/ml
energy 281 kJ/ 67 kcal
fat 2.8 g
of which saturates 0.8 g
carbohydrate 8.8 g
of which sugars 6.6 g
protein 1.3 g
salt 0.1 g

Storage and usage information

  • uzglabāt vēsā, sausā vietā


  • Please follow preperation and storage instructions that are provided on the product packaging. Important notice: Breastfeeding is best for babies. Use milk substitues only in cases when breastfeeding is not an option. If breastfeeding is not an option after 6 months of age - varied diet is recommended. Use only on the advice of independent persons having qualifications in medicine, nutrition or pharmacy, or other professionals responsible for maternal and child care.

While every care has been taken to ensure product information is correct, food products are constantly being reformulated, so ingredients, nutrition content, dietary and allergens may change. You should always read the product label and not rely solely on the information provided on the website. Base price and offer may be different in other Rimi stores.

Piena maisījums Aptamil 3 no 1 gada 800g

Piena maisījums Aptamil 3 no 1 gada 800g

49 €/pcs.

21,86 €/kg

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