Piena maisījums zīdaiņiem Kabrita2 uz kazas piena pamata no 6 līdz 12 mēnešiem, 800g
49,99 €/kg
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KabritaProduct, recommendations and recipes
Country of origin
Hyproca Nutrition B.V.
0.8 kg
Product, recommendations and recipes
Due to Dutch farming traditions and long-term production experience (since 1897), Kabrita® offers the advanced high-quality baby food based on goat milk. Gentle by nature, goat milk is an excellent basis for production of baby food. Goat milk is digested faster and easier than cow milk, thus supporting comfortable digestion. Kabrita® embraces advantages of goat milk and modern functional ingredients to ensure growth, development and protection of a baby.
Kabrita® 2 is a gentle easy-to-digest infant formula based on goat milk for babies from 6 months. Kabrita® 2 infant formula is produced from wholesome goat milk with addition of the most valuable whey protein of goat milk, fat blend with beta-palmitate, prebiotics (GOS), DHA and ARA, and nucleotides. Balanced composition of Kabrita® 2 infant formula has been developed to provide the baby with nutrients that are necessary for correct physical growth and mental development and immune support.
Why Kabrita?
• Healthy farmer's goat milk to support digestion
• Enriched with the most valuable goat milk whey
• Fat blend with beta-palmitate supports digestion, reduces occurrence and intensity of constipation, improves energy exchange and help to absorb calcium.
• Prebiotics GOS support healthy digestions and immune system
• DHA (ω-3) and ARA (ω-6) are for brain and vision development
• Natural nucleotides and oligosaccharides in goat milk support digestion and protect from infections
• Gentle creamy flavour
• More digestion-friendly goat milk А2
• Optimal Ca-P ratio
• Made in the Netherlands
Kabrita® 2 infant formula has been developed specifically for healthy babies from 6 months and for babies with minimum GIT disorder (constipation, colic and gastric disturbance). Optimal balanced formula for delicate and easy digestion.
Important notice:
Breast milk is the best food for your baby! WHO recommends to keep breast-feeding within the initial 6 months of the baby's life, and, if possible, proceed with it as long as possible. Before making a decision on choosing the formula, please consult the healthcare professional.
KAZAS VĀJPIENS, LAKTOZE (NO KAZAS PIENA), augu eļļas (kokosriekstu, rapšu ar zemu erukskābes saturu, saulespuķu), augsta SN2 palmitīnskābe, KAZAS PIENA SŪKALU KONCENTRĀTS (NO KAZAS PIENA), GALAKTOOLIGOSAHARĪDI (NO KAZAS PIENA), minerālvielas (kalcija karbonāts, tri kalcija fosfāts, tri kālija citrāts, trinātrija citrāts, nātrija hlorīds, kālija hidroksīds, kālija hlorīds,magnija hlorīds, dzelzs sulfāts, cinka sulfāts, vara sulfāts,mangāna sulfāts, kālija jodīds, nātrija selenāts), dokozaheksaēnskābe ar skābi bagāta eļļa (DHA) (ZIVJU), holīna bitartrāts, arahidonskābi bagāta eļļa,vitamīni (nātrija L-askorbāts, L-askorbīnskābe, DL-a-tokoferola acetātsniacinamīds, kalcija D-pantotenāts, riboflavīns, tiamīna hidrohlorīds,retinilacetāts, piridoksīna hidrohlorīds, folskābe. fitomenadions.holekalciferols, D-biotīns, cianokobalamīns), L-fenilalanīns, taurīns,Inozitols, L-karnitīna L-tartrāts
"How to cook: Thoroughly wash your hands before preparing the formula. 1. Boil a bottle and a nipple within 10 minutes in order to sterilize them. 2. Fill the bottle with required amount of boiled water and let it cool down to 40°C. 3. Add the required amount of Kabrita® 2 powder, as specified in the feeding table. Use the full level scoop inserted into the can. 4. Close the bottle and shake well in circular motions until completely dissolved. "
Additional information
Min storage temp.: 5° C
Max storage temp.: 25° C
Nutrition Facts
Amount per 100g
Nutrition | Amount per 100g/ml |
energy | 281 kJ/ 67 kcal |
fat | 3.3 g |
of which saturates | 1.2 g |
carbohydrate | 7.9 g |
of which sugars | 7.3 g |
protein | 1.4 g |
salt | 0 g |
Please follow preperation and storage instructions that are provided on the product packaging. Important notice: Breastfeeding is best for babies. Use milk substitues only in cases when breastfeeding is not an option. If breastfeeding is not an option after 6 months of age - varied diet is recommended. Use only on the advice of independent persons having qualifications in medicine, nutrition or pharmacy, or other professionals responsible for maternal and child care.
While every care has been taken to ensure product information is correct, food products are constantly being reformulated, so ingredients, nutrition content, dietary and allergens may change. You should always read the product label and not rely solely on the information provided on the website. Base price and offer may be different in other Rimi stores.