Sarkanvīns Chocolate Tube Primitivo 14,5% 0,75l
18,65 €/l
Piedāvājums spēkā no 04.03.2025 līdz 31.03.2025
Citi produkti no
Chocolate TubeProdukts, ieteikumi un receptes
Izcelsmes valsts
Chocolate Tube
Mare Magnum Srl
0.75 l
14.5% tilp
Papildu informācija
Satur sulfītus
Vīna apraksts
Deep Red color. A generous fruity aroma with hints of ripe fruits, cherries and chocolate. A robust wine with big body, ripe fruits and chocolate after taste. This wine goes best with grilled meat, game and cheese. Best served at 18° C. The grapes are manually harvested in Puglia late September, when the berries are already in a light overripe phase. The reason is to grant the production of a deep red color wine, rich in alcohol with ripe and sweet tannins and notes of cherry liqueur. Vinification takes place in wooden & stainless steel fermenters. After the fermentation the wine matures for 6 months in barriques made of French & American oak and long toasted, to release notes of white and dark chocolate into the wine. Only light filtration before bottling. May be stored for 3-4 years
Vīna saderība ar ēdienu
Makaroni, Pica, Siers
Vīnogu šķirne
Vīna īpašības
Krāsa | Sarkans |
Vīna tips | Sauss |
Garšas īpašības | Intensīvs |
Pasniegšanas temperatūra | 15-18 °C |
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